Episode 63: Introducing Workshop on a Tightrope
Nearly a year in the making, Kattie and Allan are excited to announce their partnership with Natasha Helfer Parker to bring you a 6 week online workshop to help fortify your Mixed Faith Marriage
To sign up to go the Eventbrite event page, or search for “Workshop on a Tightrope” on Eventbrite (Make sure to change your search to an Online Event instead of a geographical location)
Here are the details of the 6 week course:
- A lecture presentation followed by questions - 90 mins. Watch LIVE or download to watch later at your convenience.
- Release of weekly homework assignments to help you put into practice what you’ve learned.
- We will have a Q&A about the weeks course work – 60 mins.
By the end of the course you will learn:
- How to understand how faith transitions happen and how they affect your situation.
- How to communicate respectively around typically tender topics: doctrine, life-style changes, church attendance, expectations, grief, etc.
- How to experience your mixed-faith status as an asset to your relationship instead of a divider.
- How to stay unified in your common values and goals.
- How to parent effectively in a mixed-faith family.
- How to effectively communicate with family and friends about what you are going through in a way that will edify, not threaten, your relationship.
- Due to the interactive nature of the workshop, space is limited to 20 couples. Registration is per couple.
The content is prepared and presented by: Natasha Helfer Parker LCMFT, CST, and CSTS:
Natasha is the owner and founder of Symmetry Solutions. She is a Licensed Clinical Marriage & Family Therapist and a Certified Sex Therapist. Natasha has been in practice for over 20 years where she has specifically worked with and developed an expertise around a mixed-faith marriage population, as well as those going through faith transitions and different types of spiritual journeys.
Allan & Kattie Mount: Hosts of the Award-winning podcast Marriage on a Tightrope. They’ve presented at numerous conferences on the topic of mixed faith marriage. Their journey began 3 years ago when Allan had a faith transition. Through conversations with thousands of listeners and working through the challenges of a mixed faith marriage in their own lives, Kattie and Allan bring a unique skillset to this course. They will give you practical ways they’ve applied clinical knowledge in fortifying their marriage. Kattie also practices as a Life Coach with Symmetry Sols specializing in mixed faith marriage.
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